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Bash Prompt HOWTO


Giles Orr,

v0.60, 07 January 1999

Creating and controlling terminal and xterm prompts is discussed,

including incorporating standard escape sequences to give username,

current working directory, time, etc. Further suggestions are made on

how to modify xterm title bars, use external functions to provide

prompt information, and how to use ANSI colours.


Table of Contents


1. Introduction and Administrivia

1.1 Requirements

1.2 How To Use This Document

1.3 Translations

1.4 Problems

1.5 Send Me Comments and Suggestions

1.6 Credits

1.7 Copyright and Disclaimer

2. Bash and Bash Prompts

2.1 What is Bash?

2.2 What can tweaking your Bash Prompt do for you?

2.3 Why bother?

2.4 The First Step

2.5 Bash Prompt Escape Sequences

2.6 Setting the PS? Strings Permanently

3. External Commands


3.2 External Commands in the Prompt

3.3 What to Put in Your Prompt

3.4 Bash Environment and Functions

4. Xterm Title Bar Manipulations

5. ANSI Escape Sequences: Colours and Cursor Movement

5.1 Colours

5.2 Cursor Movement

5.3 Moving the Cursor With tput

6. Special Characters: Octal Escape Sequences

7. The Bash Prompt Package

7.1 Availability

7.2 Changing the Xterm Font

8. Loading a Different Prompt

8.1 Loading a Different Prompt, Later

8.2 Loading a Different Prompt, Immediately

9. Loading Prompt Colours Dynamically

9.1 A "Proof of Concept" Example

10. Example Prompts

10.1 A "Lightweight" Prompt

10.2 Elite from Bashprompt Themes

10.3 A "Power User" Prompt

10.4 A Prompt the Width of Your Term

10.5 The Elegant Useless Clock Prompt



1. Introduction and Administrivia




1.1. Requirements

You will need Bash. The default version on almost all Linux

distributions is 1.14.7 (as of this writing, November 98), which is a

well known and reliable shell. Bash is now available in version 2.0+:

I've been using Bash 2.0 for a while now, but almost all code

presented here should work under 1.14.7. If I'm aware of a problem,

I'll mention it. You can check your Bash version by typing echo

$BASH_VERSION at the prompt. On my machine, it responds with



Shell programming experience would be good, but isn't essential: the

more you know, the more complex prompts you'll be able to create. I

assume a basic knowledge of shell programming and Unix utilities as I

go through this tutorial. However, my own shell programming skills

are limited, so I give a lot of examples and explanation that may

appear unnecessary to an experienced shell programmer.


1.2. How To Use This Document

I include a lot of examples and explanatory text. Different parts

will be of varying usefulness to different people. This has grown

long enough that reading it straight through would be difficult - just

read the sections you need, backtrack as necessary.


1.3. Translations

As I write (6 January 99), translations are under weigh to both

Japanese (Akira Endo, and German (Thomas Keil, Many thanks to both of them! URLs will be

included when they become available.


1.4. Problems

This is a list of problems I've noticed while programming prompts.

Don't start reading here, and don't let this list discourage you -

these are mostly quite minor details. Just check back if you run into

anything odd.


· Many Bash features (such as math within $(()) among others) are

compile time options. If you're using a binary distribution such

as comes with an standard Linux distribution, all such features

should be compiled in. But if you're working on someone else's

system, this is worth keeping in mind if something you expected to

work doesn't. Some notes about this in Learning the Bash Shell,


· The terminal screen manager "screen" doesn't always get along with

ANSI colours. I'm not a screen expert, unfortunately. My current

version of screen (a very recent one) seems to work well in all

cases, but I've seen occasions where screen reduced all prompt

colours to the standard foreground colour in X terminals. This

doesn't appear to be a problem on the console.

· Xdefaults files can override colours. Look in /.Xdefaults for

lines referring to XTerm*background and XTerm*foreground (or

possibly XTerm*Background and XTerm*Foreground).

· One of the prompts mentioned in this document uses the output of

"jobs" - as discussed at that time, "jobs" output to a pipe is

broken in Bash 2.02.

· ANSI cursor movement escape sequences aren't all implemented in all

X terminals. That's discussed in its own section.

· Some nice looking pseudo-graphics can be created by using a VGA

font rather than standard Linux fonts. Unfortunately, these

effects look awful if you don't use a VGA font, and there's no way

to detect within a term what kind of font it's using.

· Bash 2.0+ is out, and it incorporates some new features, and

changes some behaviour. Things that work under 1.14.7 don't

necessarily work the same under 2.0+, or vice versa.


1.5. Send Me Comments and Suggestions

This is a learning experience for me. I've come to know a fair bit

about what can be done to create interesting and useful Bash Prompts,

but I need your input to correct and improve this document. I've

tried to check suggestions I make against different versions of Bash

(mostly 2.02, which I use, and 1.14.7, which is in wide use), but let

me know of any incompatibilities you find.


The latest version of this document should always be available at Please check this

out, and feel free to e-mail me at with



I use the Linux Documentation Project HOWTOs almost exclusively in the

HTML format, so when I convert this from SGML, HTML is the only format

I check thoroughly. If there are problems with other formats, I may

not know about them, and I'd appreciate a note about them.


1.6. Credits

In producing this document, I have borrowed heavily from the work of

the Bashprompt project at Other sources used

include the xterm Title mini-HOWTO by Ric Lister, available at, Ansi Prompts

by Keebler, available at,

How to make a Bash Prompt Theme by Stephen Webb, available at, and X ANSI Fonts by Stumpy,

available at


Also of immense help were several conversations and e-mails from Dan,

a co-worker at Georgia College & State University, whose knowledge of

Unix far exceeds mine. He's given me several excellent suggestions,

and ideas of his have led to some interesting prompts.


Three books that have been very useful while programming prompts are

Linux in a Nutshell by Jessica Heckman Perry (O'Reilly, 1997),

Learning the Bash Shell by Cameron Newham and Bill Rosenblatt

(O'Reilly, 2nd. ed., 1998) and Unix Shell Programming by Lowell Jay

Arthur (Wiley, 1986. This is the first edition, the fourth came out

in 1997).


1.7. Copyright and Disclaimer

This document is copyright 1998-1999 by Giles Orr. You are encouraged

to redistribute it. You may not modify this document (see the section

on contacting me: I have so far been incorporating all changes

recommended by readers). Please contact me if you're interested in

doing a translation: that's one modification I can live with.


This document is available for free, and, while I have done the best I

can to make it accurate and up to date, I take no responsibility for

any problems you may encounter resulting from the use of this



2. Bash and Bash Prompts

2.1. What is Bash?

Descended from the Bourne Shell, Bash is a GNU product, the "Bourne

Again SHell." It's the standard command line interface on most Linux

machines. It excels at interactivity, supporting command line

editing, completion, and recall. It also supports configurable

prompts - most people realize this, but don't know how much can be



2.2. What can tweaking your Bash Prompt do for you?

Most Linux systems have a default prompt in one colour (usually gray)

that tells you your user name, the name of the machine you're working

on, and some indication of your current working directory. This is

all useful information, but you can do much more with the prompt: all

sorts of information can be displayed (tty number, time, date, load,

number of users, uptime ...) and the prompt can use ANSI colours,

either to make it look interesting, or to make certain information

stand out. You can also manipulate the title bar of an Xterm to

reflect some of this information.


2.3. Why bother?

Beyond looking cool, it's often useful to keep track of system

information. One idea that I know appeals to some people is that it

makes it possible to put prompts on different machines in different

colours. If you have several Xterms open on several different

machines, or if you tend to forget what machine you're working on and

delete the wrong files, you'll find this a great way to remember what

machine you're on.


2.4. The First Step

The appearance of the prompt is governed by the shell variable PS1.

Command continuations are indicated by the PS2 string, which can be

modified in exactly the same ways discussed here - since controlling

it is exactly the same, and it isn't as "interesting," I'll mostly be

modifying the PS1 string. (There are also PS3 and PS4 strings. These

are never seen by the average user - see the Bash man page if you're

interested in their purpose.) To change the way the prompt looks, you

change the PS1 variable. For experimentation purposes, you can enter

the PS1 strings directly at the prompt, and see the results

immediately (this only affects your current session, and the changes

go away when you log out). If you want to make a change to the prompt

permanent, modify your /.bashrc file, and add the new definition of

PS1 there. If you have root permissions, you can look in /etc/profile

and modify the "PS1=" line. Be aware that on some distributions

(RedHat 5.1 at least) that the /etc/bashrc overrides the setting of

the PS1 and PS2 strings.


Before we get started, it's important to remember that the PS1 string

is stored in the environment like any other environment variable. If

you modify it at the command line, your prompt will change. Before

you make any changes, you can save your current prompt to another

environment variable:



[giles@nikola giles]$ SAVE=$PS1

[giles@nikola giles]$





The simplest prompt would be a single character, such as:



[giles@nikola giles]$ PS1=$


bin mail






This demonstrates the best way to experiment with basic prompts,

entering them at the command line. Notice that the text entered by

the user appears immediately after the prompt: I prefer to use



$PS1="$ "

$ ls

bin mail






which forces a space after the prompt, making it more readable. To

restore your original prompt, just call up the variable you stored:




[giles@nikola giles]$





2.5. Bash Prompt Escape Sequences

There are a lot of escape sequences offered by the Bash shell for

insertion in the prompt. From the Bash 2.02 man page:







When executing interactively, bash displays the primary

prompt PS1 when it is ready to read a command, and the

secondary prompt PS2 when it needs more input to complete

a command. Bash allows these prompt strings to be cus-

tomized by inserting a number of backslash-escaped special

characters that are decoded as follows:

\a an ASCII bell character (07)

\d the date in "Weekday Month Date" format

(e.g., "Tue May 26")

\e an ASCII escape character (033)

\h the hostname up to the first `.'

\H the hostname

\n newline

\r carriage return

\s the name of the shell, the basename of $0

(the portion following the final slash)

\t the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format

\T the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format

\@ the current time in 12-hour am/pm format

\u the username of the current user

\v the version of bash (e.g., 2.00)

\V the release of bash, version + patchlevel

(e.g., 2.00.0)

\w the current working directory

\W the basename of the current working direc-


\! the history number of this command

\# the command number of this command

\$ if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a


\nnn the character corresponding to the octal

number nnn

\\ a backslash

\[ begin a sequence of non-printing characters,

which could be used to embed a terminal con-

trol sequence into the prompt

\] end a sequence of non-printing characters





Continuing where we left off:



[giles@nikola giles]$ PS1="\u@\h \W> "

giles@nikola giles> ls

bin mail

giles@nikola giles>





This is similar to the default on most Linux distributions. I wanted

a slightly different appearance, so I changed this to:



giles@nikola giles> PS1="[\t][\u@\h:\w]\$ "

[21:52:01][giles@nikola:~]$ ls

bin mail



2.6. Setting the PS? Strings Permanently

Various people and distributions set their PS? strings in different

places. The most common places are /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc,

/.bash_profile, and /.bashrc . Johan Kullstam (




the PS1 string should be set in .bashrc. this is because

non-interactive bashes go out of their way to unset PS1. the bash man

page tells how the presence or absence of PS1 is a good way of knowing

whether one is in an interactive vs non-interactive (ie script) bash


the way i realized this is that startx is a bash script. what this

means is, startx will wipe out your prompt. when you set PS1 in

.profile (or .bash_profile), login at console, fire up X via startx,

your PS1 gets nuked in the process leaving you with the default


one workaround is to launch xterms and rxvts with the -ls option to

force them to read .profile. but any time a shell is called via a

non-interactive shell-script middleman PS1 is lost. system(3) uses sh

-c which if sh is bash will kill PS1. a better way is to place the

PS1 definition in .bashrc. this is read every time bash starts and is

where interactive things - eg PS1 should go.

therefore it should be stressed that PS1=..blah.. should be in .bashrc

and not .profile.





I tried to duplicate the problem he explains, and encountered a

different one: my PROMPT_COMMAND variable (which will be introduced

later) was blown away. My knowledge in this area is somewhat shaky,

so I'm going to go with what Johan says.


3. External Commands


Bash provides another environment variable called PROMPT_COMMAND. The

contents of this variable are executed as a regular Bash command just

before Bash displays a prompt.



[21:55:01][giles@nikola:~] PS1="[\u@\h:\w]\$ "

[giles@nikola:~] PROMPT_COMMAND="date +%H%M"


[giles@nikola:~] d

bin mail







What happened above was that I changed PS1 to no longer include the \t

escape sequence, so the time was no longer a part of the prompt. Then

I used date +%H%M to display the time in a format I like better. But

it appears on a different line than the prompt. Tidying this up using

echo -n ... as shown below works with Bash 2.0+, but appears not to

work with Bash 1.14.7: apparently the prompt is drawn in a different

way, and the following method results in overlapping text.




[giles@nikola:~] PROMPT_COMMAND="echo -n [$(date +%H%M)]"


[2156][giles@nikola:~]$ d

bin mail

[2157][giles@nikola:~]$ unset PROMPT_COMMAND






echo -n ... controls the output of the date command and supress the

trailing newline, allowing the prompt to appear all on one line. At

the end, I used the unset command to remove the PROMPT_COMMAND

environment variable.


Note that I use the $(<command>) convention for command substitution:

that is,



$(date +%H%M)





means "substitute the output from the date +%H%M command here." This

works in Bash 2.0+. In some older versions of Bash, prior to 1.14.7,

you may need to use backquotes (`date +%H%M`). Backquotes can be used

in Bash 2.0+, but are being phased out in favor of $(), which nests

better. I will continue to use this convention throughout this

document. If you're using an earlier version of Bash, you can usually

substitute backquotes where you see $(). If the command substitution

is escaped (ie. \$(command) ), then use backslashes to escape BOTH

your backquotes (ie. \'command\' ).


3.2. External Commands in the Prompt

You can use the output of regular Linux commands directly in the

prompt as well. Obviously, you don't want to insert a lot of

material, or it will create a large prompt. You also want to use a

fast command, because it's going to be executed every time your prompt

appears on the screen, and delays in the appearance of your prompt

while you're working can be very annoying. (Unlike the previous

example that this closely resembles, this does work with Bash 1.14.7.)



[21:58:33][giles@nikola:~]$ PS1="[\$(date +%H%M)][\u@\h:\w]\$ "

[2159][giles@nikola:~]$ ls

bin mail




It's important to notice the backslash before the dollar sign of the

command substitution. Without it, the external command is executed

exactly once: when the PS1 string is read into the environment. For

this prompt, that would mean that it would display the same time no

matter how long the prompt was used. The backslash protects the

contents of $() from immediate shell interpretation, so "date" is

called every time a prompt is generated.


Linux comes with a lot of small utility programs like date, grep, or

wc that allow you to manipulate data. If you find yourself trying to

create complex combinations of these programs within a prompt, it may

be easier to make a shell script of your own, and call it from the

prompt. Escape sequences are often required in bash shell scripts to

ensure that shell variables are expanded at the correct time (as seen

above with the date command): this is raised to another level within

the prompt PS1 line, and avoiding it by creating shell scripts is a

good idea.


An example of a small shell script used within a prompt is given





# lsbytesum - sum the number of bytes in a directory listing


for Bytes in $(ls -l | grep "^-" | cut -c30-41)


let TotalBytes=$TotalBytes+$Bytes


TotalMeg=$(echo -e "scale=3 \n$TotalBytes/1048576 \nquit" | bc)

echo -n "$TotalMeg"






I have at times kept this both as a function (much more efficient -

unfortunately, explaining functions in detail is beyond the scope of

this document), or as a shell script in my /bin directory, which is

on my path. Used in a prompt:



[2158][giles@nikola:~]$ PS1="[\u@\h:\w (\$(lsbytesum) Mb)]\$ "

[giles@nikola:~ (0 Mb)]$ cd /bin

[giles@nikola:/bin (4.498 Mb)]$





3.3. What to Put in Your Prompt

You'll find I put username, machine name, time, and current directory

name in most of my prompts. With the exception of the time, these are

very standard items to find in a prompt, and time is probably the next

most common addition. But what you include is entirely a matter of

personal taste. Here are examples from people I know to help give you




Dan's prompt is minimal but very effective, particularly for the way

he works.



[giles@nikola:~]$ cur_tty=$(tty | sed -e "s/.*tty\(.*\)/\1/")

[giles@nikola:~]$ echo $cur_tty


[giles@nikola:~]$ PS1="\!,$cur_tty,\$?\$ "






Dan doesn't like that having the current working directory can resize

the prompt drastically as you move through the directory tree, so he

keeps track of that in his head (or types "pwd"). He learned Unix

with csh and tcsh, so he uses his command history extensively

(something many of us weened on Bash do not do), so the first item in

the prompt is the history number. The second item is the significant

characters of the tty (the output of "tty" is cropped with sed), an

item that can be useful to "screen" users. The third item is the exit

value of the last command/pipeline (note that this is rendered useless

by any command executed within the prompt - you could work around that

by capturing it to a variable and playing it back, though). Finally,

the "\$" is a dollar sign for a regular user, and switches to a hash

mark ("#") if the user is root.


Torben Fjerdingstad wrote to tell me that he often suspends jobs, and

then forgets about them, so he uses his prompt to remind him of

suspended jobs:



[giles@nikola:~]$ function jobcount {

> jobs|wc -l| awk '{print $1}'

> }

[giles@nikola:~]$ export PS1='\W[`jobcount`]# '

giles[0]# man ls &

[1] 4150

[1]+ Stopped (tty output) man ls






Torben uses awk to trim the whitespace from the output of wc, while I

would have used sed or tr - not because they're better, but because

I'm more familiar with them. There are probably other ways as well.

Torben also surrounds his PS1 string in single quotes, which prevent

Bash from immediately interpreting the backquotes, so he doesn't have

to escape them as I have mentioned.


NOTE: There is a known bug in Bash 2.02 that causes the jobs command

(a shell builtin) to return nothing to a pipe. If you try the above

under Bash 2.02, you will always get a "0" back regardless of how many

jobs you have suspended. Chet Ramey, one of the maintainers of Bash,

tells me that this will be fixed for v2.03.



3.4. Bash Environment and Functions

As mentioned earlier, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, and PROMPT_COMMAND are all

stored in the Bash environment. For those of us coming from a DOS

background, the idea of tossing big hunks of code into the environment

is horrifying, because that DOS environment was small, and didn't

exactly grow well. There are probably practical limits on what you

can and should put in the environment, but I don't know what they are,

and we're probably talking a couple of orders of magnitude larger than

what DOS users are used to. As Dan put it:


"In my interactive shell I have 62 aliases and 25 functions. My rule

of thumb is that if I need something solely for interactive use and

can handily write it in bash I make it a shell function (assuming it

can't be easily expressed as an alias). If these people are worried

about memory they don't need to be using bash. Bash is one of the

largest programs I run on my linux box (outside of Oracle). Run top

sometime and press 'M' to sort by memory - see how close bash is to

the top of the list. Heck, it's bigger than sendmail! Tell 'em to go

get ash or something."


I guess he was using console only the day he tried that: running X and

X apps, I have a lot of stuff larger than Bash. But the idea is the

same: the environment is something to be used, and don't worry about

overfilling it.


I risk censure by Unix gurus when I say this (for the crime of over-

simplification), but functions are basically small shell scripts that

are loaded into the environment for the purpose of efficiency.

Quoting Dan again: "Shell functions are about as efficient as they can

be. It is the approximate equivalent of sourcing a bash/bourne shell

script save that no file I/O need be done as the function is already

in memory. The shell functions are typically loaded from [.bashrc or

.bash_profile] depending on whether you want them only in the initial

shell or in subshells as well. Contrast this with running a shell

script: Your shell forks, the child does an exec, potentially the path

is searched, the kernel opens the file and examines enough bytes to

determine how to run the file, in the case of a shell script a shell

must be started with the name of the script as its argument, the shell

then opens the file, reads it and executes the statements. Compared

to a shell function, everything other than executing the statments can

be considered unnecessary overhead."


4. Xterm Title Bar Manipulations

Non-printing escape sequences can be used to produce interesting

effects in prompts. To use these escape sequences, you need to

enclose them in \[ and \], telling Bash to ignore this material while

calculating the size of the prompt. Failing to include these

delimiters results in line editing code placing the cursor in the

wrong place because it doesn't know the actual size of the prompt.

Escape sequences must also be preceded by \033[ in Bash prior to

version 2, or by either \033[ or \e[ in later versions.


If you try to change the title bar of your Xterm with your prompt when

you're at the console, you'll produce garbage in your prompt. To

avoid this, test the TERM environment variable to tell if your prompt

is going to be in an Xterm.




function proml


case $TERM in


local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u@\h:\w\007\]'



local TITLEBAR=''




[\$(date +%H%M)]\


\$ "

PS2='> '

PS4='+ '






This is a function that can be incorporated into /.bashrc. The

function name could then be called to execute the function. The

function, like the PS1 string, is stored in the environment. Once the

PS1 string is set by the function, you can remove the function from

the environment with unset proml. Since the prompt can't change from

being in an Xterm to being at the console, the TERM variable isn't

tested every time the prompt is generated. I used continuation

markers (backslashes) in the definition of the prompt, to allow it to

be continued on multiple lines. This improves readability, making it

easier to modify and debug.


I define this as a function because this is how the Bashprompt package

(discussed later in this document) deals with prompts: it's not the

only way to do it, but it works well. As the prompts you use become

more complex, it becomes more and more cumbersome to type them in at

the prompt, and more practical to make them into some sort of text

file. In this case, to test this at the prompt, save the above as a

text file called "proml". You can work with it as follows:



[giles@nikola:/bin (4.498 Mb)]$ cd -> Go where you want to save the prompt

[giles@nikola:~ (0 Mb)]$ vi proml -> Edit the prompt file

... -> Enter the text given above

[giles@nikola:~ (0 Mb)]$ source proml -> Read the prompt function

[giles@nikola:~ (0 Mb)]$ proml -> Execute the prompt function





The first step in creating this prompt is to test if the shell we're

starting is an xterm or not: if it is, the shell variable

(${TITLEBAR}) is defined. It consists of the appropriate escape

sequences, and \u@\h:\w, which puts <user>@<machine>:<working

directory> in the Xterm title bar. This is particularily useful with

minimized Xterms, making them more rapidly identifiable. The other

material in this prompt should be familiar from previous prompts we've



The only drawback to manipulating the Xterm title bar like this occurs

when you log into a system on which you haven't set up the title bar

hack: the Xterm will continue to show the information from the

previous system that had the title bar hack in place.


5. ANSI Escape Sequences: Colours and Cursor Movement

5.1. Colours

As mentioned before, non-printing escape sequences have to be enclosed

in \[\033[ and \]. For colour escape sequences, they should also be

followed by a lowercase m.


If you try out the following prompts in an xterm and find that you

aren't seeing the colours named, check out your /.Xdefaults file (and

possibly its bretheren) for lines like "XTerm*Foreground:

BlanchedAlmond". This can be commented out by placing an exclamation

mark ("!") in front of it. Of course, this will also be dependent on

what terminal emulator you're using. This is the likeliest place that

your term foreground colours would be overridden.


To include blue text in the prompt:



PS1="\[\033[34m\][\$(date +%H%M)][\u@\h:\w]$ "




The problem with this prompt is that the blue colour that starts with

the 34 colour code is never switched back to the regular colour, so

any text you type after the prompt is still in the colour of the

prompt. This is also a dark shade of blue, so combining it with the

bold code might help:



PS1="\[\033[1;34m\][\$(date +%H%M)][\u@\h:\w]$\[\033[0m\] "





The prompt is now in light blue, and it ends by switching the colour

back to nothing (whatever foreground colour you had previously).


Here are the rest of the colour equivalences:



Black 0;30 Dark Gray 1;30

Blue 0;34 Light Blue 1;34

Green 0;32 Light Green 1;32

Cyan 0;36 Light Cyan 1;36

Red 0;31 Light Red 1;31

Purple 0;35 Light Purple 1;35

Brown 0;33 Yellow 1;33

Light Gray 0;37 White 1;37



You can also set background colours by using 44 for Blue background,

41 for a Red background, etc. There are no bold background colours.

Combinations can be used, like Light Red text on a Blue background:

\[\033[44;1;31m\], although setting the colours separately seems to

work better (ie. \[\033[44m\]\[\033[1;31m\]). Other codes available

include 4: Underscore, 5: Blink, 7: Inverse, and 8: Concealed.


Aside: Many people (myself included) object strongly to the "blink"

attribute. Fortunately, it doesn't work in any terminal emulators

that I'm aware of - but it will still work on the console. And, if

you were wondering (as I did) "What use is a 'Concealed' attribute?!"

- I saw it used in an example shell script (not a prompt) to allow

someone to type in a password without it being echoed to the screen.


Based on a prompt called "elite2" in the Bashprompt package (which I

have modified to work better on a standard console, rather than with

the special xterm fonts required to view the original properly), this

is a prompt I've used a lot:



function elite


local GRAY="\[\033[1;30m\]"

local LIGHT_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]"

local CYAN="\[\033[0;36m\]"

local LIGHT_CYAN="\[\033[1;36m\]"

case $TERM in


local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u@\h:\w\007\]'



local TITLEBAR=""



local GRAD1=$(tty|cut -d/ -f3)







$CYAN\$(date +%H%M)$GRAY/$CYAN\$(date +%d-%b-%y)\












I define the colours as temporary shell variables in the name of

readability. It's easier to work with. The "GRAD1" variable is a

check to determine what terminal you're on. Like the test to

determine if you're working in an Xterm, it only needs to be done

once. The prompt you see look like this, except in colour:







To help myself remember what colours are available, I wrote the

following script which echoes all the colours to screen:




























































# This file echoes a bunch of colour codes to the terminal to demonstrate

# what's available. Each line is one colour on black and gray

# backgrounds, with the code in the middle. Verified to work on white,

# black, and green BGs (2 Dec 98).


echo " On Light Gray: On Black:"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;37m White \033[0m\

1;37m \

\033[40m\033[1;37m White \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[37m Light Gray \033[0m\

37m \

\033[40m\033[37m Light Gray \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;30m Gray \033[0m\

1;30m \

\033[40m\033[1;30m Gray \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[30m Black \033[0m\

30m \

\033[40m\033[30m Black \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[31m Red \033[0m\

31m \

\033[40m\033[31m Red \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;31m Light Red \033[0m\

1;31m \

\033[40m\033[1;31m Light Red \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[32m Green \033[0m\

32m \

\033[40m\033[32m Green \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;32m Light Green \033[0m\

1;32m \

\033[40m\033[1;32m Light Green \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[33m Brown \033[0m\

33m \

\033[40m\033[33m Brown \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;33m Yellow \033[0m\

1;33m \

\033[40m\033[1;33m Yellow \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[34m Blue \033[0m\

34m \

\033[40m\033[34m Blue \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;34m Light Blue \033[0m\

1;34m \

\033[40m\033[1;34m Light Blue \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[35m Purple \033[0m\

35m \

\033[40m\033[35m Purple \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;35m Pink \033[0m\

1;35m \

\033[40m\033[1;35m Pink \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[36m Cyan \033[0m\

36m \

\033[40m\033[36m Cyan \033[0m"

echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;36m Light Cyan \033[0m\

1;36m \

\033[40m\033[1;36m Light Cyan \033[0m"





5.2. Cursor Movement

ANSI escape sequences allow you to move the cursor around the screen

at will. This is more useful for full screen user interfaces

generated by shell scripts, but can also be used in prompts. The

movement escape sequences are as follows:



- Position the Cursor:


puts the cursor at line L and column C.

- Move the cursor up N lines:


- Move the cursor down N lines:


- Move the cursor forward N columns:


- Move the cursor backward N columns:


- Save cursor position:


- Restore cursor position:






The latter two codes are NOT honoured by many terminal emulators. The

only ones that I'm aware of that do are xterm and nxterm - even though

the majority of terminal emulators are based on xterm code. As far as

I can tell, rxvt, kvt, xiterm, and Eterm do not support this. They

are supported on the console.


Try putting in the following line of code at the prompt (it's a little

clearer what it does if the prompt is several lines down the terminal

when you put this in): echo -en "\033[7A\033[1;35m BASH

\033[7B\033[6D" This should move the cursor seven lines up screen,

print the word " BASH ", and then return to where it started to

produce a normal prompt. This isn't a prompt: it's just a

demonstration of moving the cursor on screen, using colour to

emphasize what has been done.


Save this in a file called "clock":
























function prompt_command {

let prompt_x=$COLUMNS-5



function clock {

local BLUE="\[\033[0;34m\]"

local RED="\[\033[0;31m\]"

local LIGHT_RED="\[\033[1;31m\]"

local WHITE="\[\033[1;37m\]"

local NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]"

case $TERM in









\[\033[s\033[1;\$(echo -n \${prompt_x})H\]\

$BLUE[$LIGHT_RED\$(date +%H%M)$BLUE]\[\033[u\033[1A\]



PS2='> '

PS4='+ '






This prompt is fairly plain, except that it keeps a 24 hour clock in

the upper right corner of the terminal (even if the terminal is

resized). This will NOT work on the terminal emulators that I

mentioned that don't accept the save and restore cursor position

codes. If you try to run this prompt in any of those terminal

emulators, the clock will appear correctly, but the prompt will be

trapped on the second line of the terminal.


See also ``The Elegant Useless Clock Prompt'' for a more extensive use

of these codes.


5.3. Moving the Cursor With tput

As with so many things in Unix, there is more than one way to achieve

the same ends. A utility called "tput" can also be used to move the

cursor around the screen, or get back information about the status of

the terminal. "tput" for cursor positioning is less flexible than

ANSI escape sequences: you can only move the cursor to an absolute

position, you can't move it relative to its current position. I don't

use "tput," so I'm not going to explain it in detail. Type "man tput"

and you'll know as much as I do.


6. Special Characters: Octal Escape Sequences

Outside of the characters that you can type on your keyboard, there

are a lot of other characters you can print on your screen. I've

created a script to allow you to check out what the font you're using

has available for you. The main command you need to use to utilise

these characters is "echo -e". The "-e" switch tells echo to enable

interpretation of backslash-escaped characters. What you see when you

look at octal 200-400 will be very different with a VGA font from what

you will see with a standard Linux font. Be warned that some of these

escape sequences have odd effects on your terminal, and I haven't

tried to prevent them from doing whatever they do. The linedraw and

block characters (which many of us became familiar with with Word

Perfect) that are used heavily by the Bashprompt project are between

octal 260 and 337.

























































# Script: escgen

function usage {

echo -e "\033[1;34mescgen\033[0m <lower_octal_value> [<higher_octal_value>]"

echo " Octal escape sequence generator: print all octal escape sequences"

echo " between the lower value and the upper value. If a second value"

echo " isn't supplied, print eight characters."

echo " 1998 - Giles Orr, no warranty."

exit 1


if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]


echo -e "\033[1;31mPlease supply one or two values.\033[0m"



let lower_val=${1}

if [ "$#" -eq "1" ]


# If they don't supply a closing value, give them eight characters.

upper_val=$(echo -e "obase=8 \n ibase=8 \n $lower_val+10 \n quit" | bc)


let upper_val=${2}


if [ "$#" -gt "2" ]


echo -e "\033[1;31mPlease supply two values.\033[0m"




if [ "${lower_val}" -gt "${upper_val}" ]


echo -e "\033[1;31m${lower_val} is larger than ${upper_val}."




if [ "${upper_val}" -gt "777" ]


echo -e "\033[1;31mValues cannot exceed 777.\033[0m"




let i=$lower_val

let line_count=1

let limit=$upper_val

while [ "$i" -lt "$limit" ]



echo -en "$i:'$octal_escape' "

if [ "$line_count" -gt "7" ]



# Put a hard return in.

let line_count=0


let i=$(echo -e "obase=8 \n ibase=8 \n $i+1 \n quit" | bc)

let line_count=$line_count+1





You can also use xfd to display all the characters in an X font, with

the command "xfd -fn <fontname>". Clicking on any given character

will give you lots of information about that character, including its

octal value. The script given above will be useful on the console,

and if you aren't sure of the current font name.


7. The Bash Prompt Package

7.1. Availability

The Bash Prompt package is available at, and is

the work of several people, co-ordinated by Rob Current (aka

BadLandZ). The package is an early beta, but offers a simple way of

using multiple prompts (or themes), allowing you to set prompts for

login shells, and for subshells (ie. putting PS1 strings in

/.bash_profile and /.bashrc). Most of the themes use the extended

VGA character set, so they look bad unless they're used with VGA fonts

(which aren't the default on most systems).


7.2. Changing the Xterm Font

To use some of the most attractive prompts in the Bash Prompt package,

you need to get and install fonts that support the character sets

expected by the prompts. These are referred to as "VGA Fonts," but

I'm unclear on the distinction between them and the fonts Linux

usually ships with - although clearly they support different character

sets. Standard Xterm fonts support an extended alphabet, including a

lot of letters with accents. In VGA fonts, this material is replaced

by graphical characters - blocks, dots, lines. If anyone can explain

this in more detail, e-mail me and I'll include the explanation here.


Getting and installing these fonts is a somewhat involved process.

First, retrieve the font(s). Next, ensure they're .pcf or .pcf.gz

files. If they're .bdf files, investigate the "bdftopcf" command (ie.

read the man page). Drop the .pcf or .pcf.gz files into the

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc dir (this is the correct directory for

RedHat 5.1 and Slackware 3.4, it may be different on other

distributions). "cd" to that directory, and run the "mkfontdir"

command. Then run "xset fp rehash". Sometimes it's a good idea to go

into the fonts.alias file in the same directory, and create shorter

alias names for the fonts.


To use the new fonts, you start your Xterm program of choice with the

appropriate command to your Xterm, which can be found either in the

man page or by using the "--help" parameter on the command line.

Popular terms would be used as follows:



xterm -font <fontname>






xterm -fn <fontname> -fb <fontname-bold>

Eterm -f <fontname>

rxvt -fn <fontname>


VGA fonts are available from Stumpy's ANSI Fonts page at (which I have

borrowed from extensively while writing this).


8. Loading a Different Prompt

8.1. Loading a Different Prompt, Later

The explanations in this HOWTO have shown how to make PS1 environment

variables, or how to incorporate those PS1 and PS2 strings into

functions that could be called by /.bashrc or as a theme by the

bashprompt package.


Using the bashprompt package, you would type bashprompt -i to see a

list of available themes. To set the prompt in future login shells

(primarily the console, but also telnet and Xterms, depending on how

your Xterms are set up), you would type bashprompt -l themename.

bashprompt then modifies your /.bash_profile to call the requested

theme when it starts. To set the prompt in future subshells (usually

Xterms, rxvt, etc.), you type bashprompt -s themename, and bashprompt

modifies your /.bashrc file to call the appropriate theme at startup.


See also ``Setting the PS? Strings Permanently'' for Johan Kullstam's

note regarding the importance of putting the PS? strings in /.bashrc



8.2. Loading a Different Prompt, Immediately

You can change the prompt in your current terminal (using the example

"elite" function above) by typing "source elite" followed by "elite"

(assuming that the elite function file is the working directory).

This is somewhat cumbersome, and leaves you with an extra function

(elite) in your environment space - if you want to clean up the

environment, you would have to type "unset elite" as well. This would

seem like an ideal candidate for a small shell script, but a script

doesn't work here because the script cannot change the environment of

your current shell: it can only change the environment of the subshell

it runs in. As soon as the script stops, the subshell goes away, and

the changes the script made to the environment are gone. What can

change environment variables of your current shell are environment

functions. The bashprompt package puts a function called

"callbashprompt" into your environment, and, while they don't document

it, it can be called to load any bashprompt theme on the fly. It

looks in the theme directory it installed (the theme you're calling

has to be there), sources the function you asked for, loads the

function, and then unsets the function, thus keeping your environment

uncluttered. "callbashprompt" wasn't intended to be used this way,

and has no error checking, but if you keep that in mind, it works

quite well.


9. Loading Prompt Colours Dynamically

9.1. A "Proof of Concept" Example

This is a "proof of concept" more than an attractive prompt: changing

colours within the prompt dynamically. In this example, the colour of

the host name changes depending on the load (as a warning).






# "hostloadcolour" - 17 October 98, by Giles


# The idea here is to change the colour of the host name in the prompt,

# depending on a threshold load value.

# THRESHOLD_LOAD is the value of the one minute load (multiplied

# by one hundred) at which you want

# the prompt to change from COLOUR_LOW to COLOUR_HIGH



# light blue


# light red

function prompt_command {

ONE=$(uptime | sed -e "s/.*load average: \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\)/\1/" -e "s/ //g")

# Apparently, "scale" in bc doesn't apply to multiplication, but does

# apply to division.

ONEHUNDRED=$(echo -e "scale=0 \n $ONE/0.01 \nquit \n" | bc)




# Light Red



# Light Blue



function hostloadcolour {


PS1="[$(date +%H%M)][\u@\[\033[\$(echo -n \$HOST_COLOUR)m\]\h\[\033[0;37m\]:\w]$ "






Using your favorite editor, save this to a file named

"hostloadcolour". If you have the Bashprompt package installed, this

will work as a theme. If you don't, type source hostloadcolour and

then hostloadcolour. Either way, "prompt_command" becomes a function

in your environment. If you examine the code, you will notice that

the colours ($COLOUR_HIGH and $COLOUR_LOW) are set using only a

partial colour code, ie. "1;34" instead of "\[\033[1;34m\]", which I

would have preferred. I have been unable to get it to work with the

complete code. Please let me know if you manage this.



10. Example Prompts

10.1. A "Lightweight" Prompt











function proml {

local BLUE="\[\033[0;34m\]"

local RED="\[\033[0;31m\]"

local LIGHT_RED="\[\033[1;31m\]"

local WHITE="\[\033[1;37m\]"

local NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]"

case $TERM in









$BLUE[$RED\$(date +%H%M)$BLUE]\



PS2='> '

PS4='+ '






10.2. Elite from Bashprompt Themes

Note that this requires a VGA font.



# Created by KrON from windowmaker on IRC

# Changed by Spidey 08/06

function elite {


\[\033[34m\])\[\033[31m\]-\[\033[34m\](\[\033[31m\]\$(date +%I:%M%P)\

\[\033[34m\]-:-\[\033[31m\]\$(date +%m)\[\033[34m\033[31m\]/\$(date +%d)\




PS2="> "






10.3. A "Power User" Prompt

I actually do use this prompt, but it results in noticeable delays in

the appearance of the prompt on a single-user PII-400, so I wouldn't

recommend using it on a multi-user P-100 or anything ... Look at it

for ideas, rather than as a practical prompt.














# Created August 98, Last Modified 9 November 98 by Giles


# Problem: when load is going down, it says "1.35down-.08", get rid

# of the negative

function prompt_command


# Create TotalMeg variable: sum of visible file sizes in current directory

local TotalBytes=0

for Bytes in $(ls -l | grep "^-" | cut -c30-41)


let TotalBytes=$TotalBytes+$Bytes


TotalMeg=$(echo -e "scale=3 \nx=$TotalBytes/1048576\n if (x<1) {print \"0\"} \n print x \nquit" | bc)

# This is used to calculate the differential in load values

# provided by the "uptime" command. "uptime" gives load

# averages at 1, 5, and 15 minute marks.


local one=$(uptime | sed -e "s/.*load average: \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\)/\1/" -e "s/ //g")

local five=$(uptime | sed -e "s/.*load average: \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\).*/\2/" -e "s/ //g")

local diff1_5=$(echo -e "scale = scale ($one) \nx=$one - $five\n if (x>0) {print \"up\"} else {print \"down\"}\n print x \nquit \n" | bc)

loaddiff="$(echo -n "${one}${diff1_5}")"

# Count visible files:

let files=$(ls -l | grep "^-" | wc -l | tr -d " ")

let hiddenfiles=$(ls -l -d .* | grep "^-" | wc -l | tr -d " ")

let executables=$(ls -l | grep ^-..x | wc -l | tr -d " ")

let directories=$(ls -l | grep "^d" | wc -l | tr -d " ")

let hiddendirectories=$(ls -l -d .* | grep "^d" | wc -l | tr -d " ")-2

let linktemp=$(ls -l | grep "^l" | wc -l | tr -d " ")

if [ "$linktemp" -eq "0" ]




links=" ${linktemp}l"


unset linktemp

let devicetemp=$(ls -l | grep "^[bc]" | wc -l | tr -d " ")

if [ "$devicetemp" -eq "0" ]




devices=" ${devicetemp}bc"


unset devicetemp



function pprom2 {

local BLUE="\[\033[0;34m\]"

local LIGHT_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]"

local LIGHT_GREEN="\[\033[1;32m\]"

local LIGHT_BLUE="\[\033[1;34m\]"

local LIGHT_CYAN="\[\033[1;36m\]"

local YELLOW="\[\033[1;33m\]"

local WHITE="\[\033[1;37m\]"

local RED="\[\033[0;31m\]"

local NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]"

case $TERM in









$BLUE[$RED\$(date +%H%M)$BLUE]\




$LIGHT_GREEN\${executables}x \

$LIGHT_GRAY(\${TotalMeg}Mb) \








$WHITE\$(ps ax | wc -l | sed -e \"s: ::g\")proc\







PS2='> '

PS4='+ '






10.4. A Prompt the Width of Your Term

A friend complained that he didn't like having a prompt that kept

changing size because it had $PWD in it, so I wrote this prompt that

adjusts its size to exactly the width of your term, with the working

directory on the top line of two.




















# termwide prompt

# by Giles - created 2 November 98


# The idea here is to have the upper line of this two line prompt

# always be the width of your term. Do this by calculating the

# width of the text elements, and putting in fill as appropriate

# or right-truncating $PWD.


function prompt_command {


# Calculate the width of the prompt:

hostnam=$(echo -n $HOSTNAME | sed -e "s/[\.].*//")

# "whoami" and "pwd" include a trailing newline


let usersize=$(echo -n $usernam | wc -c | tr -d " ")


let pwdsize=$(echo -n ${newPWD} | wc -c | tr -d " ")

# Add all the accessories below ...

let promptsize=$(echo -n "--(${usernam}@${hostnam})---(${PWD})--" \

| wc -c | tr -d " ")

let fillsize=${TERMWIDTH}-${promptsize}


while [ "$fillsize" -gt "0" ]



let fillsize=${fillsize}-1


if [ "$fillsize" -lt "0" ]


let cut=3-${fillsize}


while [ "$cut" -gt "0" ]



let cut=${cut}-1


newPWD="...$(echo -n $PWD | sed -e "s/\(^${sedvar}\)\(.*\)/\2/")"




function termwide {

local GRAY="\[\033[1;30m\]"

local LIGHT_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]"

local WHITE="\[\033[1;37m\]"

local NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]"

local LIGHT_BLUE="\[\033[1;34m\]"

local YELLOW="\[\033[1;33m\]"

case $TERM in
















$YELLOW\$(date +%H%M)$LIGHT_BLUE:$YELLOW\$(date \"+%a,%d %b %y\")\










10.5. The Elegant Useless Clock Prompt

This is probably the single most attractive (and useless) prompt I've

ever created. Because many X terminal emulators don't implement

cursor position save and restore, the alternative when putting a clock

in the upper right corner is to anchor the cursor at the bottom of the

terminal. This builds on the idea of the "termwide" prompt above,

drawing a line up the right side of the screen from the prompt to the

clock. A VGA font is required.


Note: There is an odd substitution in here, that may not print

properly being translated from SGML to other formats: I had to

substitute the screen character for \304 - I would normally have just

included the sequence "\304", but it was necessary to make this

substitution in this case.



























# This prompt requires a VGA font. The prompt is anchored at the bottom

# of the terminal, fills the width of the terminal, and draws a line up

# the right side of the terminal to attach itself to a clock in the upper

# right corner of the terminal.

function prompt_command {

# Calculate the width of the prompt:

hostnam=$(echo -n $HOSTNAME | sed -e "s/[\.].*//")

# "whoami" and "pwd" include a trailing newline



# Add all the accessories below ...

let promptsize=$(echo -n "--(${usernam}@${hostnam})---(${PWD})-----" \

| wc -c | tr -d " ")

# Figure out how much to add between user@host and PWD (or how much to

# remove from PWD)

let fillsize=${COLUMNS}-${promptsize}


# Make the filler if prompt isn't as wide as the terminal:

while [ "$fillsize" -gt "0" ]



# The A with the umlaut over it (it will appear as a long dash if

# you're using a VGA font) is \304, but I cut and pasted it in

# because Bash will only do one substitution - which in this case is

# putting $fill in the prompt.

let fillsize=${fillsize}-1


# Right-truncate PWD if the prompt is going to be wider than the terminal:

if [ "$fillsize" -lt "0" ]


let cutt=3-${fillsize}


while [ "$cutt" -gt "0" ]



let cutt=${cutt}-1


newPWD="...$(echo -n $PWD | sed -e "s/\(^${sedvar}\)\(.*\)/\2/")"



# Create the clock and the bar that runs up the right side of the term


local LIGHT_BLUE="\033[1;34m"

local YELLOW="\033[1;33m"

# Position the cursor to print the clock:

echo -en "\033[2;$((${COLUMNS}-9))H"

echo -en "$LIGHT_BLUE($YELLOW$(date +%H%M)$LIGHT_BLUE)\304$YELLOW\304\304\277"

local i=${LINES}

echo -en "\033[2;${COLUMNS}H"

# Print vertical dashes down the side of the terminal:

while [ $i -ge 4 ]


echo -en "\033[$(($i-1));${COLUMNS}H\263"

let i=$i-1


let prompt_line=${LINES}-1

# This is needed because doing \${LINES} inside a Bash mathematical

# expression (ie. $(())) doesn't seem to work.



function clock3 {

local LIGHT_BLUE="\[\033[1;34m\]"

local YELLOW="\[\033[1;33m\]"

local WHITE="\[\033[1;37m\]"

local LIGHT_GRAY="\[\033[0;37m\]"

local NO_COLOUR="\[\033[0m\]"

case $TERM in

















$YELLOW\$(date \"+%a,%d %b %y\")\







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